feminist bullsh*t

No, there is no gender discrimination in tech. We’re all the same. Nobody really understands why it is that there are so few women in tech, esp. FLOSS.

Just another stupid comment to Carla Schroeders My Fabulous Geek Career, linked to from LWN.net

You know, I’m thinking about subscribing, but these random, feminist bullsh*t articles are becoming frequent enough to really hurt the signal-to-noise ratio of the site. Why does this crap keep getting posted?

And what was it she wrote?

[You] definitely need a thick skin in the FOSS world. It’s a self-selected group, so it’s chock-full of mavericks, the socially-inept, just plain trolls, and all manner of folks who don’t understand the importance of courtesy and respect.

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Annalists (from Latin annus, year; hence annales, sc. libri, annual records), is the name given to a class of writers on Roman history, the period of whose literary activity lasted from the time of the Second Punic War to that of Sulla.
They wrote the history of Rome from the earliest times (in most cases)
down to their own days, the events of which were treated in much
greater detail.


Main Entry: an·nal·ist
Pronunciation: ‘a-n&l-ist
Function: noun
: a writer of annals : CHRONICLER
an·nal·is·tic /“a-n&l-’is-tik/ adjective


An|na|list der; -en, -en <zu → …ist>: Verfasser von Annalen.

an|na|li|sie|ren <zu → annal u. → …isieren>: die Ereignisse eines Jahres aufzeichnen.

An|na|len die (Plur.) <aus gleichbed. lat. (libri) annales>: Jahrbücher, chronologisch geordnete Aufzeichnungen von Ereignissen