Neues aus der Muppet-Show

Cookie Monster Die britische Bürgerrechtsorganisation Statewatch ist eine unersetzliche Quelle von Material für alle, die sich mit Innerer Sicherheit, Grund- und Bürgerrechten und Polizeiangelegenheiten aller Art beschäftigen.

Im März fand ich in den Statewatch News z.B.:

Germany adds that, in some cases, terrorist suspects against whom it has not been possible to take measures under criminal law or the law on residence are sometimes subject to surveillance measures which may involve significant amounts of time and effort. 

Finally, Denmark and Germany explicitly refer to the conflict between the confidentiality of intelligence information and the right of the defence to access the case files. Germany, in particular, points out that the requirements for confidentiality are frequently in conflict with the ‘principle of publicity’ prevailing in the German criminal process and with the unrestricted right of the defence to access the case files. 

Dieses "Problem" des Zugangs der Verteidigung zu den Akten konnten wir ja letzte Woche schön beobachten.

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